Sunday 1 February 2009


Boland & Co in Hawkhill were the suppliers of sports outfits in Dundee in the 1890's.
Above are 2 original adverts with a Dundee FC interest.
The one on the left is dated 1893, and on it amongst the teams who's kits they supply are, Our Boys.
I'm sure everyone will know that later that year, Our Boys amalgamated with East End to form Dundee Football Club as we know it today.
And so onto the advert on the right. It is dated 1894, only this time in amongst the team kits, it has, Dundee Football Club.
Quite literally Dee history in the making!
I couldn't help notice football shorts are referred to as "Knickers" in the ad, and described as being Swansdown.
I reckon the football shorts they make these days are "Ducksdown"...that would explain all that diving!
Ads - Dundee Ref Library.

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